donderdag 17 mei 2012

presentation film

Presentation CKV Bas and Katie Katie: Film is the youngest art first film 1895 started as fair attraction is was easy to make money with. They want to make films so everyone likes them called; public film producer; he tells the story of the film in his own way. He makes you feel the emotions Bas: shots; total shot, with everything around him also on the screen. Medium shot, from the waist up close up, only the face extreme close up, just a part of the face. Camera stand; bird perspective, from above. Frog perspective, from under neutral perspective, eye hight subjective perspective, you see what the actor sees Katie: sounds; music causes effect and emotions. They choose the music so don't even know it's there. Montage; you need a script to make a film. A scene is a couple of shots that go together in time, place and action. By computer, special effects. Bas: Important points of montage; consistency; chronological or non chronological ordering, flashbacks and flash forwards and direct logic transition between shots. Tempo of the shots. Film genres; movie, animation, documentary, video clip and commercial. Movie; comedy, horror, drama, thriller, western, action, romance and sci-fi animation; poppet show, computer animation and drawn animation. Sub-genres; Growing up movie, coming of age movie, road movie and feel good movie.

dinsdag 8 mei 2012


We started working on an animation assignment a while ago. I'm working together with Karen van Dee and Rianne Bloemendal. We had to make up a story line and animate it. after we made the story line we started making the poppets and houses and the things we needed to make an animation out of it. When we finished the poppets and houses we started animating it on the computer. To make the animation we had to move the poppets and then take a picture with the computer everytime. After we Took a few pictures we watched our animation for so far and it was a short film made out of lots of pictures. We still need to do a lot of work before the animation is finished but we already have a funny film. Our story line is about a giant who takes 5 children into his house and makes prisoners of them. he gives them a lot of food so they get fat and then he wants to eat them. the children escape after a while and find a new home. we still need to animate all of that but we will be finished in two or three lessons